Norm Gan and Judy played coffee houses in the Boston area as a duo in 1964, and with Ken Frankel as accompanist in 1965, and then in 1966 with Carey Mann also accompanying on bass. The most successful performances were at The Loft, where they played to overflow crowds every Friday night for several months.
The songs below feature Judy, with Norm playing guitar and singing.
Ken built a recording studio in 1972 to record Judy and Ken. During the years they were married and living together, Ken recorded several songs featuring Judy's singing, with Ken playing all the instruments. This was a fairly primitive studio by today's standards, and the tapes used to transfer to digital are copies of copies and 40 years old, so the quality isn't very good, but it is an example of different styles Judy could sing.
These two recordings are from a demo for an original play with music written by Dick Bagwell, The Secret Life
of Horatio Puddingforth, Esq.
Unfortunately, he was never able to get it produced. The male voice is John Reed.